Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This image is of a design that promotes going green. I really like the use of the text, and the different shades that were used. As well, I like how the text is situated in the center of the image, and the top half is filled with plants and the sky, and the bottom half you can see water, dirt, and the roots of the plants. Overall the design of text and image work very well together. This design reminds me of the design and advertisements used for the Disney movie, "A Bugs Life".
I love this design for this Minneapolis eye care company. My favourite part about the design is that they emulated the style of an old man from the 1800's who wore an optical. I really like the use of the eye, and mustache which also represents the W in wink. The colours work because it is friendly, and the combination of the different texts are nice, but I think the white and black eye is what draws a viewer into this design first.
I like this advertisement a lot. The use of text, colour, and background is very simple but communicates the message clearly. I really like the fact that the letters are trying to come off the page as if they were waking up, and trying to get out of bed. It reminds me of how I am every day after I wake up. It seems like the letters are struggling just like how I do.
I think the imagery situated beside the text is very cool. The overall feel is very industrial, and seems to be taken from inside a machine. I really like the cigerrette used as the letter "I" in the word music, which you can see clearer in the second picture. When I look at this design I just picture some type of insane music that is being produced since there are so many speakers, and other mechanical pieces.
This image is of a "hairy alphabet". I like it because first, it is humorous, secondly because it actually shows the letter quite well with the use of hair. It may seem a bit gross to some (moulding hair into a letter) but I really enjoy it.
I'm not sure what this design image was used for because I found it on the Internet, but I love the design. The image itself has a contrast between a bottle that looks real, oppose to a background that looks like it has been painted with water colours. The words "Gotcha" are placed within the bottle, and there is a large letter "A" that is holding the bottle on a slant. The message of the design is clearly understood right away. Around the letter A, there are a few people standing around, who seem to be helping with the support of the bottle. As well, I also like the black and white sketches that are seen around the bottle.
I think this design for the "Destructed Design" is amazing. The use of text and the way it is placed shows the meaning of the company. The colours that come from the background and sweep into the middle of the main logo is also very cool. The text and colours look like glass that has been broken into hundreds of pieces. Nothing is symmetrical, but the overall image creates a harmony in which every piece you see, belongs there.
This design of "Revolutionary Minds" seems quite boring. It looks like something that has been done before. I do enjoy the ruler in the center of the image with the bold text, but I don't like the other things that are sitting around it such as the paper clips, blades etc. I think the overall design is too literal, but maybe that was the look the company was looking for when they created this.
I think this design for the Coca Coca Live Festival is so cool. I prefer Coca-Cola over Pepsi, and have always liked their brand and styling. I think this design is very clever because it looks like it is a spark of flames and smoke, and that is what is creating the design and text of the image. The colour choices are also appropriate because these are Coke's signature colours - red, black, and white.
This is an image I found online. It reminds me of the postcard assignment we had to do. I feel that since this is an advertisement for the "4 Principles of Good Design for Websites", that it is quite boring and doesn't show much thought or effort. The combination of the different text styles is nice, but I really don't like the text used for "Good Design". It seems childish, especially when your using it for something important. The colour choices are also bland.
This image makes me laugh every time I see it. One afternoon a good friend of mine who is a male had discussed with me that since he's in his mid twenties this is the time to live his life, because once he's married "it's over". I was shopping on the weekend and saw this t-shirt in a dollar store! I laughed hysterically because I can picture my friend being the guy on the t-shirt with the sad face. I guess he is not the only one who has the same opinion about marriage, unfortunately. Absolutely everyone can describe what the image and text relation mean on this t-shirt.
This is a gift box I was using to carry my "flying car" that was moulded out of plasticine for my Visualization Techniques class. The box is pink, with black designs of clothes, shoes, glasses, lipsticks, etc. On the top it is tied with a nice black ribbon. The box is very girlie, and I like that. The box looks like something special is inside, in which I think a lot of people thought that was the case because I was carrying it on the bus/subway with extreme care and caution.
This is a really cool ad I saw in the subway recently. Above the subway doors, where normally the subway route map is posted sits a sign saying "Caution: long lashes may get caught between doors". This is an ad campaign from Cover Girl's new lengthening mascara. I absolutely love it. It is so appropriate in where they placed the ad - obviously they created the ad to be placed above the subway doors. As well, the colour choice of black text on a yellow background is appropriate because that is the "caution" design. Overall the design, and what it says is very clever, and I would buy the mascara based on this advertisement alone.
This is a Pet Grooming store that is located right on Lakeshore directly across from our school. I pass by it almost everyday if I drive to school. The name of the place explains itself and the hilarity of it. I really think that whoever designed this was playing a joke on the owner. Other than that, the stick on letters on the window are placed poorly, along side colour choices. The only thing I like is the paw prints, but I swear this must be a joke. I really want to go inside one day and asked who came up with this concept for the store.
Here is the correct order of colours for my Prisma marker set. In total there are 48 colours. Beside each colour I wrote down the name and reference number for it. We were asked to do this for future reference for when we were to colour something, we would know what the shade exactly looks like because the colour printed on the label is deceiving.
These are my Prisma markers I use for my Visualization Techniques class. Last week we had to create a colour scale using the markers we had. I put them in the order in which I thought was correct. I thought it looked like a marker rainbow and decided to take a photograph of it.
This is an image of the center of the building for the Bird Kingdom. You can see that everything is very large, tall, and airy. They designed the area to allow birds to be able to fly around without too many problems of bashing into something. I think the column seen in the middle is quite lovely, especially with two images of birds on it. I also really liked how they had very tall windows. Those are the type of windows I would like to have in my house.
This is an image of an indoor waterfall at a place called the Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls. The structure of the piece is very tall. It is situated within the middle of the building but is three stories high. They made the waterfall to look like an ancient ruin which I thought they were quite successful on doing. I specifically like the small detailing on the stones (the cracks, vines of plants) which makes the piece look much more genuine.
This is a chandelier that is situated in the main lobby at a beautiful hotel I stayed at in Niagara Falls recently. When walking into the hotel, you immediately look up at this thing because it is so large and colourful. Taking a closer look you can see that all the leaves and flowers are made with glass. The leaves are very large, maybe the size of two of my hands together to create one petal. Every time I walked in and out of that hotel, my eyes would stare at it instead of in front of me, which could have been a health hazard lol.
This image is the same like before, except I'm making fun of the position in which the man is standing. I'm trying to show that I am pinching his bum lol. Behind me, is another image of a child looking the other way. Luckily he isn't looking my way or that would be awkward.
This image is of my friend at Fairview Mall during the summer. The mall was under construction at the time and had all these images/designs on the wall to promote the look of the new and improved mall coming. The wall has a life size woman who has a bunch of bags in her hands looking away from the viewer. My friend stood beside her pretending to do the same. I think it's a pretty cool thing the mall did. It definitely caught our attention.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I love this logo and I love their products. In University I created my own adaptation of this logo, and photographed and photoshoped it. Doing so, I had to do research about the history of the logo and why the image of the mermaid is in the middle. The logo is very symmetrical other than the words not perfectly matching. The colours work well together, and the sans serif type is appropriate. I enjoy simple designed logos such as this one.

This is a logo for a very popular female clothing store that young women like to particularly like to shop at. I have mixed feelings about this logo. I think it's nice, but at the same time, I don't think it is very readable. I do like the simplicity of a black colour script logo against a plain background. I also have mixed feelings if the logo gives the feel for the style of clothing they have there.
This logo is absolutely ugly. I hate the colours, constrast, design, type used, EVERYTHING! Unfortuntely I am forced to see this logo two times a week because my mother and I grab coffee there at 7am before I go to class, and before she goes to work. The logo looks cheap, and maybe that's a good thing because their products are cheap, but overall I think it needs a makeover!
I love this logo due to one particular reason - I love their merchandise! Coach bags and products are very good quality items that last for years, much longer than a purse from Aldo, for example. The precision, detailing, and materials used is what makes this product much more pricier than normal bags. Coach's signature colour is a dark brown, and this is what is used in their logo. Just like their bags, the logo is very neat, simple, and classy. The logo itself looks like a stamp, and can be adjusted to any size. I also like the typeface they have used. It resembles Caslon - big and very thin strokes within a letter
Since I was a child, I always thought that the MTV logo was so different. I never saw anything like that on television before. The bold sans serif letter of M, with the word TV that looks like it has been written in pen is a nice contrast, unlike the previous graphic companies logo that I couldn't even read. This logo is straight, readable, and solid. It can like good enlarged or printed small. This particular logo is in black and white, but MTV has come out with various colours for their logos.
This logo is unfortunately for a graphics company. I think it is absolutely horrible. The first problem that I have with it is that I cannot even read what the company's name is. The second problem I have with it is the contrast between the "graffiti" type letter contrasted against the script writing of "Graphics". Addition to that, there seems to be a pen on the right side of the logo where there is four dots displaying the CMYK colours. On top of this mess is also small print underneath the graffiti type writing of what the company does. Overall this logo is terrible!

This campaign for the 2008 Obama campaign was incredibly famous and became iconic. Instead of a normal political ad, this poster was designed in an artistic way. The colours were appropriately used (red, white, and blue), which represents the United States. The image of Obama is placed center within the image, and the word HOPE runs along the bottom. Although the text is large, it does not take over the image. The pairing of the text and image is geared towards American's to think about what Obama's campaign is about.

I absolutely love this logo, always have, always will. It consists of one of my favourite colours (red), and the simplicity of it is very appealing. Other than loving the logo, I enjoy the brand as a whole and the Coca Cola product itself. It is my number one choice for a pop beverage. The script writing makes the viewer trust the brand, and overall the logo looks friendly.