Friday, April 16, 2010

This is one of M.A.C cosmetics Barbie Campaigns. Although the campaign is a year old, it is still one of my favourites. They have made the models literally look like Barbies with their flawless makeup, and the use of the colour hot pink (which is known for Barbie) throughout the image. The composition of this image is asymmetrical, but very clean. I like the background colour and find it complements the colours used in the models makeup.
What can I say about the design of this car? Only that is absolutely ridiculous in every good way possible. I LOVE this car, and is definitely my dream car. It is so incredibly sleek, sexy, and powerful. The exterior being black on a black interior body with black chrome rims is incredible. The suicide doors is just the cherry on top. It makes this already unique design even more stunning. This isn't just a car, it is a beautiful design of craftsmanship on wheels.
This is a classic symbol for all house/trance heads such as myself. It is a spin off of the "I heart NY" design. The logo is self explanatory and is quite popular in the House realm. I love it because it is simple, and the type face works well with the image of the heart. Also, this symbol uses my favourite colour combination of white, black, and red.
This is a very popular graffiti mural in my area of East End Toronto. I'm not sure if this was created by one graffiti artist or several. Overall the design is put well together as a collage. There are many elements in this piece that are very interesting to look at, but at the same time they work well with one another. On the right side of the mural you can see that the graffiti artist states that he or she is happy being from the "East Side" of Toronto, and probably is trying to represent that in their work.
This is a college done for Ed Hardy Swim ware. I love this design mostly because it is so colourful and put together well. This piece imitates the feel of tattoo design and Japanese paintings. You can tell that the piece is for swim ware (water) because of the Koi fish, water waves, and the mermaid sitting on the very center top of the piece. Beneath all the clutter of the design states the designers name in a yellow serif font face. The only part I find a bit confusing to have within this design is the panther beneath the mermaid.
This design of this BMW label was created by MJ Art Studio. Not only is BMW my second favourite car company (Lamborghini being first), the design is decked out in Swarovski crystals. I would die to have that embellished on my car (if I owned a BMW). The logo itself is great because it is simple with its design using circular shapes, and the colours of white, black, and a royal blue. The logo is symmetrical, and looks very good on the car itself because it does not take away your attention when looking at a BMW.

This is an ad campaign designed for Juicy Couture Clothing. It's quite old but I still love it till today. I find it so feminine, sophisticated, and really exemplifying the brand of "Juicy" couture. The models pink lips are perfection that holds a jeweled piece that displays the brands name clearly.
Apparently this is a house in Japan. It is oddly designed in its structure. Fortunately the design of this house is located at the corner of the street, which I think would be the only place it could fit properly. I don't like how there is only one window on the front of the house because I love having natural light in my house. I think it is pretty cool that the designer had made this cubby hole in the front of the house where a yellow Volkswagen beetle could fit it - almost like an outdoor garage if that makes any sense.
Here is a clever design of a staircase. At the bottom of each staircase is a pull out drawer. This would be extremely useful for people that have a lot of things but not enough room in their household. Although this design is clever and functional, I would worry about the stairs not being efficient or durable enough to be walked on top of several times.
This staircase is really a work of art. Each panel is in a wave that stretches to create three sets of staircases. It is so sleek and modern, I absolutely love it. You can see the end of each panel stretches unto the wall in the background where the woman is walking. The design of these staircases gives the notion of movement with the waves. I do not think it would have had the same sleek effect if it was done in another medium or colour other than organic wood.
This is a really cool design that a makeup artist had created. What she did was asked the model to close her eyes while she created Japanese anime eyes on this women's eyelids. I think it looks amazing because it looks like the model has these big anime eyes, but in reality her eyes are closed and it is only makeup. The makeup artist did a fantastic job and it would be interesting if the artist created a series of this anime art on models and had it photographed.
I am not sure who the designer of this hideous outfit is, but it is definitely one of the ugliest designs I have seen for a male. The sweater alone, with the image of a penis is certainly not flattering for the male model, nor do I know anyone who would ever want to wear such a thing. The pants are a whole other story. The length is very odd, almost resembling flood pants but not quite, and the midsection where the crotch is looks ridiculous. Overall I could not stand to look at this design for more than five minutes, while I finished writing this blog piece.
This is a mock up design of the interior of a passenger plane. I'm not sure what exactly the designer was thinking when creating the interior of this plane because immediately you think it looks so incredibly uncomfortable, and cheap. The blue chairs resemble fold out chairs that don't have a back rest. In front of the windows are trays that stick out above the chairs that resembles lecture hall classrooms. Overall the design is weird, uncomfortable, and definitely impractical.
This design is a play off the "easy button" from Staples that has become quite well known. I came across this one just surfing the web one day, and thought, "wow.. only if it were true". Whenever receiving a designing project for whatever class, the process of coming up with the concept for that project is probably the most difficult thing. If this button existed, it would make every graphic designers dream, BUT it would probably put a lot of people out of business.
This is the logo my partner Kristie designed for our project for the Humber Arboretum. I absolutely love it! She used an image of an owl because it represents knowledge, which the staff is incredibly endowed with because ecology is their passion. She used her hands to create the wings of the owl in a sheltering position, which also represents all the people that put their time and effort into preserving the Arboretum. The sans serif typeface that is selected is strong, and easily readably. As well, I really enjoy that the logo is symmetrical and can be simply read if enlarged or shrunken.
This is a design for a socket that pulls in any extension cords. I think this is a great design for a few reasons. First of all, the design is sleek, small, and camouflages into the background of the wall it is in. Secondly, I hate seen extension cords everywhere. It makes the house look messy, and unorganized. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I would love to own a few in my house.
This design is of a peg which turns into a pencil. I thought the design was pretty cool but really impractical. I cannot see anyone going to work or school, pulling out this peg and placing the lead in between to start writing. This design would be something cool to collect, but not actually use.
This is one of the few logos that the Humber Arboretum has used. As a class, we were asked to rebrand their logo, website, and brochure. The logo they have currently is extremely boring. The colour choice is obvious, along side the image of the trees. The typeface is the only thing that is decent about the logo. I really think that was no thought process behind this design, and it was only made because their previous logos were not successful.
This is a really interesting composition of an image of a burger that was created with text and colour. The text is used in place of the piece that composes the burger such as "bread". The text is coloured and shaped into looking like bread. This style is continued through the burger patty itself, tomato, onion, lettuce, etc until the entire burger is created. It's really interesting to see that text can be altered to look like an image like this. The top bun and lettuce is my favourite part.
The design of this sink is hilarious. I don't know what person could keep a straight face if they had to wash their hands in this sink. The bright red that was chosen really stands out. I especially enjoy the black stiletto heels. These types of designs are always placed in male washrooms. I think someone should do the same type of idea but for women and their washrooms. I do not necessarily think women would like male body parts in their washroom, but I think they would enjoy the female parts as much as the men do.
I forget where I found this image but it reminds me of something Ikea would do. I like shapes, and using them to create designs in patterns such as this. The use of these wooden squares/rectangle blocks have created an interesting piece you would find somewhere in a modern design home. I like how the shapes vary, and are different colours, but still are organic because they are wood. I also like how there are some smaller shapes within the bigger ones. As well, I enjoy how the top of the design leads into another wall, almost like a puzzle piece.
This is another design made with text. The text reads "Island Beach Resort". I absolutely love the colour, the typeface, and background. The background looks like it has been created with a sponge like technique. I love how the world "Island" has been emerged into this design of free flowing swirls that looks very beachy and reminds me of designs found in the sand. I like how the designer used different hues of purple to create this piece, which definitely channels a beach feel.
I chose this piece because it is a word cloud. Recently we created our own word cloud in our Typography class. I really like it because of the font choice, colour, and background designs. There are only a few words incorporated into this word cloud such as "art, design, branding, graphic". The overall design feels organic and strong. It almost looks like the text has been placed on top of a rock formation. I also like how the words go in all different directions.
I found this image on a design website. When first looking at it, you obviously must laugh. This urinal has a pair of legs coming from the bottom. The way the legs are dressed up with the fishnet stockings and red heels resembles a hooker, and the way the legs are positioned definitely gives that vibe. Although I find it hilarious, I also find it offensive. I'm sure most men would not find this offensive, only humerous. As a design, it was executed correctly because everyone can understand what this means.