Monday, March 22, 2010

This design is called a Fractal image. I've always been drawn to them because of the vivid colours and patterns. A fractal image is "a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole". Using math to create a design doesn't appeal to me because I hate math, but it does produce a beautiful end product. It reminds me of psychedelic posters back in the 70s. This particular image seems to use all shades of both primary and secondary colours. The left side of the image looks like wild plants growing, whereas the right side of the image looks like a print on a satin scarf that I would wear. I would like to design something like this in the future, but not sure how I would approach it.
Here is another crazy tattoo I came across. I haven't seen something like this before. The way the artist has created the right proportion on the mans arm of the image of his eyes, eyebrows, and the bridge of the nose to the real man's face is pretty impressive. I'm not sure why he would have gotten this, since it doesn't make any sense unless he walks around with his arms in front of his eyes. Other than that the detailing and colouring is impressive. It also looks like the left eye is larger than the right. Overall the design is very cool.
I've had this photo of this tattoo since last semester. I am a big fan of tattoos and feel that this type of art is highly under appreciated. The design of this particular tattoo is insane. The artist did such an amazing job getting the skin to look like its actually being ripped off the guys chest. I could only imagine the time and effort the tattoo artist had put into this design. Not only is the design amazing, the colouring of the skin where it is seems to be ripping off is insane itself. Unfortunately I don't think this design will look as amazing in 20 years.
I don't remember where I came across this image but I had to look at it twice because I wasn't sure what it was at first. I'm not sure what the name of these pipes are, but they are usually used underground for heavy construction. Someone decided to design a small room in this pipe with a working door. It's so odd to have these little rooms in a place which looks like a park. There is a contrast between the pipe and surroundings (natural vs. manmade). Although these look pretty cool, I'm sure no one could actually live in them, and if a person did I think that's kind of creepy.
I came across this image of an iphone through an accessory website. I thought it was pretty cool because we learnt about type in road signs last week in our Typography class. The colours that have been chosen are my favourite combination (red, black, white). I also like how the road signs are made into a collage. Overall the design catches the viewers attention immediately.

Monday, March 8, 2010

This is a really cool architectural style for a complex. It is so bright, colourful, and has bold shapes. The windows within the shapes are stacked, and in a variety of sizes. I think it would be cool if the square shaped complex had circular windows, and the circular windows had square windows. Behind the square and circular shapes you can see the rest of the building is also very colourful, with geometric and linear shapes. Although this place seems very cool, I wouldn't want to live there.
The layout of the backyard for this house is very cool. The house has a beautiful view of the hills, palm trees, and other greenery. I really like the simplicity of the house and backyard. It has many vertical and horizontal clean lines, and square shapes (window, pool, where trees are planted, etc). The contrast between the still blue pool against this line of a red/orange fire is very interesting . I feel like the owners were trying to achieve the four nature elements - earth, wind, water, and fire. This would be a great place to throw a party in the summer.
These are the new 2010 Olympic Medals. I really the like the design due to two main things. The medal itself is a perfect circle, but when looking at the medal straight on, and especially on the side you can see that the medal is made in a wave. The images on each medal is unique because it is cut from a large portrait of Native Indian Art. That means each medal is part of a puzzle basically. The colour of the ribbon also goes really well with all three colour medals.
This Mercedes McLaren SRL reminds me of the Batmobile in Batman. The front end of the spoiler looks like the Benz Turbo, mixed with the body of a Chrysler Crossfire, and the back looks like a Porsche Spyder. Overall the design of the car is very sleek, and looks very expensive, which it is ($400, 000 US). It is mind boggling to know that a design of a car would cost so much, but I'm sure the ride is worth it.
The tag line for this "design for a living world", but its a design that doesn't seem comfortable whatsoever. The design looks very industrial with the steel leg chairs, but the wheels look organic because of the wood finishing. It looks like if you were to lay down on this chair, you would roll right off of it like a conveyor belt.
This image is a literal explanation of the anatomy of a letter. I think it's very clever. The three layers are photoshopped, but is put together nicely which seems to be one piece. The middle part of the letter is the muscle, which is a bit gross, but realistic. As well, the use of the skeleton on the top part of the letter looks like a human spine.